Organizational Structure

Integration of the SICREEE in the SG-SICA’s structure

The centre is under the framework of the General Secretariat of SICA (SG-SICA) and it is governed by its institutional rules and procedures. The activities of the centre are fully integrated in the regional energy structure and aligned with its standards and procedures. The centre collaborates with the Energy Coordination Unit of SG-SICA (UCE-SICA) and reports to the Council of Ministers of Energy of SICA.

The Sustainable Energy Strategy 2030 of the SICA countries (EESCA 2030) constitutes the regional framework instrument for SICREEE’s work, based on some of the specific objectives stated in the strategy:

  • Significantly increase the share of renewable energy in the region.
  • Include the rational and efficient use of energy in energy plans and increase the rate of improvement.
  • Diversify the energy matrix by promoting investment in energy infrastructure and clean technologies, increasing the participation of local renewable sources, the utilization of bioenergy.
  • Promote the participation of all consumer sectors (households, commercial and industrial) in the utilization of renewable energy sources in distributed energy resources.
  • Promote gender inclusion in the energy sector.
  • Promote international cooperation to facilitate access to research and clean technologies.

Organizational Structure of the SICREEE

The institutional structure of the centre includes:

  • SICREEE’s coordination office based in SG-SICA.
  • Executive Committee (EC)
  • Technical Committee (TC)
  • Thematic Hubs (TH)
  • National Focal Points (NFIs) in the countries


The centre is governed by an Executive Committee (EC) and a Technical Committee (TC) that meet at least once a year and a maximum twice a year. Generally, meetings of EC and TC are carried out together and in a coordinated manner with the regional meetings of the SICA’s Council of Ministers of Energy, whose members are the EC as well.



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