General Objective
Contribute to the promotion of RE&EE at the regional level for the implementation of transformative projects at industrial, commercial, services and residential sector; that support the innovative technologies markets.
SICREEE’s Mandate
The SICREEE has been established by the SICA’s Council of Energy Ministers under the following geographic scope of intervention:
Additionally, the Centre promotes the following energy technologies/solutions:
High energy efficiency technologies.
Technologies for the energy generation based on renewables, included hybrid systems mainly based on RE.
Includes cross-cutting issues, such as the incorporation of environmental assessments and standards for planning and approval of actions, products, the energy-water-food nexus, gender integration and the circular economy, among others.
Use of urban and agricultural waste for energy generation.
Small and medium-scale hydroelectric projects
Geothermal (due to the high potential of the region to generate significant amounts of energy and heat)
Actions on biofuels that proved to be sustainable. In this context, SICREEE considers second generation biofuels that do not compete with food crops for available land.
SICREEE’s Key Actors
General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SG-SICA).
Governmental institutions
Electrification agencies
Private, public or public-private companies (SMEs, ESCO and others).
Individual Consultants and project developers
Academic institutions
NGOs and cooperatives
Civil society
International organizations
Technical Approach
The SICREEE focuses on 2 main areas:
Renewable energy
Bioenergy (efficient stoves, power generation)
Biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol)
Waste to energy
Geothermal energy
Hydroelectric power plants (medium, small, micro, peak)
Solar energy
Photovoltaic (on/off-grid, lighting, pumping and others)
Solar thermal energy (water heating, cooling, heat, solar stove and dryers)
Wind power
Tidal energy
Energy Access: mini hybrid networks, isolated systems and others
Sustainable energy storage (batteries, hydrogen)
Energy Efficiency
Sustainable mobility
Efficient teams
Sustainable and smart buildings
Cleaner production (industry, SMEs)
Smart electrical grids (transmission and distribution).